Josh and Emily Anne didn’t just meet through a “mutual friend,” but actually through both of their best friends, Brian and Jenny. Jenny told Josh that she had “just the friend for him” and, at the time, she didn’t know how right she was.
Emily Anne, who was currently teaching in Birmingham, agreed to at least talk to this guy that Jenny pitched to her. After a few facetime dates, things seemed to be going well, but the distance was too much to handle for their current situations, so they agreed to just be friends. This lasted approximately two days before Emily Anne ghosted Josh and left him wondering what happened to her.
Emily Anne continued her year of teaching and Josh continued his year of casual status at the Air Force Academy awaiting pilot training. In that time, Emily Anne moved back to Nashville to begin school for occupational therapy and Josh moved to Oklahoma to begin pilot training.
Despite being ghosted, Josh still felt as if Emily Anne may have been the one who got away, so over the Christmas holiday, he reached out to her over a snapchat story to attempt to rekindle the relationship. Snapchats turned to texts, which turned to facetimes. Distance was still a factor, but Emily Anne was determined not to talk herself out of a relationship this time. They made a deal that before they decided on whether to start a relationship, they would spend some time together in person. Josh bought the first flight to Nashville, and it didn't take long to make a decision.
Josh fell as quickly as the first time, and after a while of chipping away, one day at a time, Emily Anne joined Josh in falling in love. Since then, they have traveled thousands of miles to spend time with each other at every chance. Josh made the final commitment to the relationship by proposing to Emily Anne in Nashville with her family. Emily Anne graduates OT school in May, and they are off on their first adventure as Josh continues his Air Force career flying the F-16 Falcon.